Saturday, November 22, 2008

Getting Important off the Smell of a Dead Baby

Hopefully this is the lowest that Murt will ever sink to, but somehow I have my doubts.

In the last couple of days, Murt has claimed numerous times that he was within 20 feet of the evidence car in the Caylee Anthony case, close enough to smell the scent of decomposition.

Uh huh.

Murt, Murt, Murt.

Did you ever stop to think how utterly unbelievable that is? Shortbusdude69 did, and he drug the ugly truth out screaming into the light like a vampire at dawn:

LOL, busted!

Not only does this lie that you told stretch the bounds of credulity to the breaking point, did you ever stop to think what this claim could do to the case against Casey Anthony? The defense would love to be apprised of your claims.

I wish to god I could know whether Detective Yuri Mellich has contacted you or not. I would give an awful lot to be a fly on the wall.

You will be lucky if you escape prosecution for obstruction of justice.

Who the hell tries to get important off the scent of a dead baby? Do you even think of how your lies define your psychological state? Maybe you are so wrapped up in this that you have forgotten that at the end of the tunnel is the small body of a dead child.

Caylee Anthony doesn't deserve to be treated like this is Jerry Springer. Get some of your clucking groupies to wrestle topless in the mud down at Blanchard Park and you'll have a show. Quit trying to get famous off of these dead children.

1 comment:

truthfinder said...

Does anyone find it odd that murtie only gets involved in missing children cases? There are missing adults in Florida too. Maybe they just don't bring the revenue that these high profile childrens cases do.
Tells me murtie is in this for the fame, the dollars and whatever else will feed his ego today.
Sad I tell you , this is sad. Making anything off of a missing/dead child is wrong.