Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Case Against Murt, Trenton Duckett.

Murt and the connection to the Duckett's .

Murt slouched his way into the media, the public eye, and online forums with his insertion into the Trenton Duckett case. He began innocuously enough, by writing about his speculations in various online forums. This soon devolved into his broad hints of inside knowledge, via an open letter to Trent's supposed abductor.

Exhibit A.-

"To Trenton's caretaker
Hello my friend:
I now know why Melinda trusted you to take care of Trenton.
I know that you are monitering the discussion forums.
You know time is running out.
Listen to your soul mate. Things are going to work out.
It is time to return Trenton to his family.
Take Trenton to the larger hospital or take Trenton to the fire station on the main road near your place.
Do it now.
Do it while you still can.
If you need help, contact me. You know how.


The board linked above is following the discussion in real time as it occurs at CTV forums, unfortunately that board is now closed and so the link is dead. However,

Exhibit B-
A local news outlet got wind of this deception, as did Trenton's family. To Murt's surprise, the police and media showed up on his doorstep to get the scoop.

Pig. Imagine the family collectively holding their breaths because some old guy is failing so hard at life he has to make himself important in an online forum by making shit up.

Murt also ran countdown banners on two different occasions to events in Trenton's case that he wouldn't detail.

He obsessively stalked and harassed the Duckett's.

Exhibit C- He went to local events and took pictures of total strangers, implying that they were connected to the case. His photobucket account is full of them, very weird stalkerish behavior:

Any comments concerning his behavior in the Duckett case are welcome.


truthfinder said...

murt hurt more than just Trenton's family. He lied about other posters, lied about being LE(working for/with and being deep undercover). LE was the Marshals, the FBI, and then who knows what other agencies in the alphabet. The man has no integrity or well hell he doesn't know how to tell the truth.
He even went so far as to get a laptop from one poster and tell everyone on Usleuth that it contained info on each of the posters there. Now how could someone get info on a screen name? People actually believed him. Just like now he has his "fans".
The man should have gone to jail for posing as LE. That is against the law in the state of Florida.
Why hasn't he ? because LE thinks he's harmless and just a bit on the nutty side. Maybe soon they will start to pay attention. This man is not harmless. His lies and actions cause harm to many.
For once it should be against the law to be an idiot.

Francis Farmer said...

ITA, Truthfinder. Thank you for your comments. What a freak!

Unknown said...

The Murt dude asked me to tell Shortbus he has a message for him. He wantos Bus to call him.


What the author of this rather short lived blog fails to mention is that some of the so called critics out there are, in fact, being paid for their professional services. One of them even bragged about getting "a new set of custom mags for his go fast car."

Another bragged about getting a new high end radio for his suv.

The unanswered question here is why such a sustained, well financed, highly organized smear campign against a small internet broadcaster who is among thousands doing the vary same thing. Is it to get even for getting banned from his website for posting porn and other unwelcome acts of that nature. Or is there some sinister connection to the case of a Murdered child?